Cloud DNS

This domain is registered for one of our customers.

If this is your domain name, please visit this page to see how to register it as DNS zone into your account.

Note: If you already have registered the DNS zone for your domain name, please wait for DNS propagation. Your web site will be displayed soon. It may take few minutes.

* Do you know what the DNAME record is?

Suggested article: What is a DNAME record?

A DNAME record, also known as a Delegation Name record, maps all of the names in one domain to those in another, thereby replacing one domain name suffix with another.

The DNS lookup will continue, just as the CNAME record, by retrying the lookup with the new name. However, to actually apply the DNAME record to the requested name, the name server creates a CNAME record. CNAMEs for each node on a subtree have the same impact as a DNAME for the entire subtree.

The use of DNAME records is subject to the following limitations:

  • For the same subdomain, you can't have both a CNAME and a DNAME record.
  • A DNAME record cannot be used for a domain or subdomain that contains subdomains. Only the lowest level subdomains can be mapped (those that do not have any subdomains below).

This record type could be really helpful for you and your business. If you need to learn more about it, look at the following article about the DNAME record!